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Objectives of the operation

Launching innovative variety of perennial ryegrass colonized by the symbiotic endophytic fungi

Total project value: 2 148 755,11 PLN

Financing source:

Action M16 “Cooperation” of the Rural Development Program for 2014–2020 (The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development – EAFRD: “Europe investing in rural areas”, national public funds).

Objectives of the operation:

The objectives of the operation carried out by the EPI consortium under the name NOVA TRAWA (Nova Grass) are: to launch innovative variety of perennial ryegrass colonized by the symbiotic endophytic fungi of Epichloë genus with improved durability and resistance to stress factors, primarily to drought stress, and to develop technology for the production of grass varieties symbiotically improved with Epichloë endophytes. Moreover, significantly improved, innovative marketing strategy for the promotion and dissemination of cultivation and commercialization of innovative perennial ryegrass varieties will be also developed and implemented.

Description of the operation:

The presence of symbiotic endophytic fungi of Epichloë genus may have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of grasses inhabited by them. The most common beneficial results are: higher durability of plants, improved yield of seeds and green mass, tolerance to unfavorable environmental conditions, resistance to pests, better water management. The highest positive effect of an endophyte presence is observed under the host plant exposure to drought stress. Associations of grasses with Epichloë spp. are also characterized by higher resistance to pathogens attack and pests feeding. These associations are also more competitive in the environment and prevail in areas with unfavorable growth conditions. Bearing in mind the potential of grasses enriched with endophytes and the market demand for this type of solutions, the NOVA TRAWA Consortium was established. Its aim is to introduce Epichloë isolates (“novel endophytes”) selected at Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology into fodder clones of perennial ryegrass bred in Plant Breeding Company Grunwald Ltd., Group IHAR-PIB, characteristics of new lines with increased utility potential by consortium members and, finally, registration of a new variety.

Results of the operation:

The most important, target result of the operation will be launching a new variety of perennial ryegrass inhabited by the endophyte to the market, then the development of an innovative technology for symbiote introduction into perennial ryegrass, as well as other grass species characterized by various types of utilization. The result of these activities will be a new line of perennial ryegrass, which will be subject to the patenting process. The variety register will be enriched with a new variety. Another effect will be the innovative technology that will be also subject to the patenting process in the future. Results will be presented during conferences, symposia, meetings with farmers and other events in the country and abroad organized by a wide range of entities.